
+ How do i know when my order has been despatched?

You will get an email with a tracking number.

+ I have received an incorrect/damaged item in my order

Please contact us at orders@terrone.co.uk and we will help you with a replacement or refund.


+ Do you deliver outside UK?

Yes we do! Shipping charges and lead time changes according to the country.

+ How long does it take to get my order?

For UK mainland, the lead time is usually around 48/72 hours after the order has been despatched.

+ Which courier do you use for shipping?

Hermes or UPS.

+ Are shipping costs included?

For orders over £30 shipping costs are included for UK mainland only.


+ How do I choose the grind size?

Once you add a product to the kart a list will appear from which you can select your grind preference.

Coffee subscribtions

+ Do you post subscription outside the UK?

Yes we do.

+ Can I postpone my next subscription delivery?

Sure! Just send us an email at orders@terrone.co.uk specifying when you would like to receive your next coffee bag.

+ Can I have different grind size ?

Sure. You can add your preferences on the additional information box when you add your coffee subscription to the kart.

Coffee Pods

+ Which machine are the pods compatible with?

Any Nespresso Compatible Coffee Machine.

+ How do I recycle the pods?

Our coffee pods are certified OK compost and can go in the food waste bin.

+ What’s pods shelf life?

2 years.

+ How do I store my coffee pods?

You can store them in a jar in your cupboard.

+ Can I get a pods subscription?

You can! Visit our shop to get your Terrone Coffee pods subscription!

Roast with us

+ Can you roast my green coffee for me?

Yes we can. We offer contract roasting service, where we roast your beans for you. For more info, contact us at info@terrone.co.uk.

+ Do you rent out your roastery?

Yes we do. We offer slot roasting service, where you rent out our roasting facilities. For more info, contact us at info@terrone.co.uk.

+ Do you provide packing and delivery service?

Yes we do for a small extra fee.

+ Do you provide bags for packing?

On request.

+ Can I buy green coffee from you?

Yes you can. For more info, contact us at info@terrone.co.uk and we can send you our updated coffee offer with all the coffees we have in stock.

Covid 19

+ Are you open for visits during lockdown?

Just on appointment, following governament guidelines in matter of health and safety.

+ How long will the order take to arrive?

Due to the global pandemic, orders might experience a small delay.